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Can I set a retraining date based on item Completion date WITHOUT using curricula?

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I've got a number of courses that require annual or bi-annual retraining. With a typical stand-alone online item, it seems that the only option is to use the Assigned date as the basis for the retraining period.  That seems like a bad idea, e.g.

- user hired Jan 1, assigned with annual retraining

- user doesn't finish the course until October

- user then gets a reminder to re-take the course on Jan 1

I would prefer to have the period based on Completion date. Is there an easy fix (other than using Curricula)?

Dave L

Magellan Aerospace, Canada

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I am not aware of any methodology that will auto-set up a retraining event without a curricula. That said - for many of our recurring training sessions (yearly, bi-yearly, etc.), we don't use curricula - we just manually set up new items/APs to 'relaunch' that content to the appropriate users at the right frequency. As I learn more about curricula (and its intricacies), I have become more and more of a fan of it and its automation capabilities to handle recurring training - so we have definitely started dipping our toes in that water. May I ask what the concern around using the curricula is? Is just the extra 'thing' to have to set up? or is there some other piece that is stopping you?

0 Kudos
Hi Marie, and thanks for the fast and effective answer! You are 100% right: my concern is that it's that extra 'thing' to set up. I am an experienced LMS administrator, but have never worked in the SF environment and am finding it a bit overwhelming at times. I do use APs for new hires, but hadn't thought of that for this situation. As I am further exploring curricula, it looks like one can incorporate an item into a curricula and then set completion-based retraining specific to that curricula. The item can still be used as standalone, and perhaps in other curricula with different criteria? Am I on the right track?
The item can absolutely be in one (or more) curricula's and still be a standalone item that a user can register into. Highly recommend this blog on curricula - but feel free to reach out to me and we can talk through it. Even after reading the blog I still had some questions and someone in the community clarified it for me and boom! a lightbulb went off and I feel like I can actually intelligently speak to curricula now 😛

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