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*** Updates***

1) *** Update: looks like Employee Central will actually be blessed with solid time evaluation functionality - See Thomas Otter's comment below and watch this space ***

2) *** 02/09/2015: see volker.ruof's blog on EC Timesheet 15_08 - more to come in future versions, most notably proper clock times instead of just durations ***

3) *** 05/08/2016: Employee Central Time and Attendance maturing and EC Payroll interface more flexible: Business Case for Employee Centrale improved even more:

By now it has become very clear that EC Time & Attendance is much more than just a token feature (see updates from volker.ruof on Q1-2016 Q2-2016). Time Off is in some respects already more feature rich than it's on-premise cousin and Time Sheet is growing up. Hopefully we'll see time-clock integration and German-style flextime in the not too distant future and then a large number of SAP on-premise PT customers would be able to switch. And then there is still the option to go for a throroughbred Time&Attendance + shift planning tool like Workforce Software or Kronos, who are SAP partners and integrate with EC. SAP have also realised that the very tight policy of what should be allowed with respect to Time in EC payroll needs some flexibility on a case by case basis. See some points about EC Time and Attendance and Payroll integration here. Increasingly, I therefore see Time & Attendance as a positive contribution to the business case to move to Employee Central rather than a road block. Check this SCN blog for some thoughts about the Employee Central Business Case and implementation st....

*** Original Article ***

Right after the S/4HANA announcement everybody got busy interpreting, what it really means for HR. So, now it seems that with S/4HANA, only some mini master data will be left from HR on-premise, whilst the full core HR, Talent Management and everything will be available in the cloud (SuccessFactors) only. Fine. Not unexpected. By the time we get to the point, where the on-prem option for HCM is gone, a lot of water will have flown East under London Bridge and a lot will have changed in those organisations, who don't feel cloud ready today. And if major roadblocks occur, most customers think SAP will still be able to amend their roadmap.

Then looking at payroll: for all it's woes, SAP has arguably the most powerful global payroll and nobody would cherish the idea of re-building this (usually) benign monster from scratch on a different platform. So, SAP's plan to re-wrap it with a modern UI (payroll cockpit), make it HANA-compatible for extra speed, take it off customers' servers, and link it to Employee Central up in the cloud is considered a good idea by most players in the community.

So, that's everything being cared for, right?

  • Core HR and Talent will be in SuccessFactors
  • ...talking to an on-prem mini master to provide HR data for those departments (e.g. accounting) still caught in 20th century technology on-premise :razz:
  • ...and integrated with the nicely repackaged battle-hardened payroll engine, where thousands of local experts in many countries can built upon their multi-year experience :cool:

Have you seen Time Evaluation anywhere? I think I lost it...

Hold on a minute... Time evaluation isn't mentioned anywhere, is it? :???:

  • There's Employee Central Time Off. A neat solution for absence management I liked from the first time I played around with it
  • There'll be some way or other to push hours into the system for payment
  • But there is nothing to automate the dreaded calculations of overtime, flextime, lieu days, etc as time evaluation did with the program RPTIME00. So, it's got to be co-habiting with payroll, right? (grasping a straw of hope: surely an emoticon missing in the SCN editor)

Well, I didn't have to live with that nagging doubt for long. On our own iProConference in London last week conversations with SAP confirmed: the explanation for time evaluation not being mentioned is quite simple: it won't be there.

Apparently, the strategy is to have some elements for capturing time (like absences) in EC, but work with 3rd party interfaces to systems like Kronos for everything else. Now, I'm not an expert in Kronos, but as far as I remember it doesn't provide the same flexible time evaluation as RPTIME00 with its schemas.

So, can I hear the Death March for RPTIME00 now? :sad:

Let's have one last look at its grey, stern face:


Is there still hope?

As I said above, a lot will happen until then, but at this point in time, it looks like there isa challenge coming up and customers going for EC and EC payroll anytime soon may face a significant change, if they've used SAP time evaluation so far. But then there are also rumours that the valuation feature behind EC timesheet may become much more powerful. Would that be the salvation?

*** Update: Cool: going by Thomas Otter's comment below, this is more than a rumour now. Seems there will be Time Evaluation in EC. Watch this space ***

My thoughts are all based on things that have not been written and on verbal information. So, if anybody knows more, please use the comment feature generously!

The one inconsistency I couldn't figure out yet is, that the payroll schema does include an embedded time evaluation schema, too. So, if the existing payroll engine is still being used, time evaluation will still be there anyway. Yes, the TC00 subschema, so often forgotten by would-be payroll consultants, who are then surprised by seemingly inconsistent results:

So, how can time evaluation be gone, when the payroll engine is rescued with all its features (plus more)?

Well, I'll leave you with that question to mull about over night  - maybe someone has an answer.

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Funny to recall posting around this topic this a few years ago: http://www.wombling.com/cloud/oh-and-time-management/

The bit that I seem to be wrong about is the processing of the time entries in the SAP time/payroll engine. Well that is if you consider the Employee Central Payroll as offered by SuccessFactors to be the "SAP cloud payroll engine".

I think for the value of HANA to be realised in either of the payroll or time scenario as mentioned by Jason, would require a payroll/time rebuild Blue sky thinking | Wombling – Finding areas of rapid change and that's not something I see happening in next few years. I wish it was though!

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Sven

This is exactly how I understand it Sven. No Time eval at all in EC Payroll but use of infotype 2010.



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Nice rant Paul! :smile:

I may cause some ire by suggesting it, but I think our issue is not that the benefits of an integrated system (at the very least for reporting purposes) are not recognised, it's just that of a fairground stall of painted duck targets, it's one of those that is further at the back, and perhaps not being touted as a competitive advantage by any of SAP's competitors.

As I wrote two years ago, I'd love to see someone somewhere come up with a viable payroll/rostering/time management system that all runs on HANA and have SAP purchase them and roll it into the product. Problem is, it's not easy.

There's been more investment in SAP/SuccessFactors that ever before in the HCM space, I know we all want more (I do anyway) but on the other hand, SAP can't deliver miracles overnight, and if they encourage partners to take up the slack and then they can't really shoot them by building the solution internally.

I think the time when we see real change in the space will be if and when any competitor to SuccessFactors builds a totally integrated time management solution.

In the meantime - chat to Travis, he's a really nice bloke :wink:

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I agree with Chris Paine & Brad Krahe.

a)As I posted earlier, Kronos has not come up with a functionality or  history data capability  to match SAP HR & PT.

b)SAP HR is very good for reasonably complex time management, shift planning. 

c)I have also seen some clients in Australia having a complex functionality with user functions deriving a great flexibility. 

0 Kudos

Hi Chris,

We already have declustering tools for TM and the data resulting from time evaluation can be synchronously written to the declustered tables.  For performance you'd be wanting this in a 'one-box' scenario where core HCM was actually running on HANA rather than using HANA as a connected platform just for analytics.  This obviously primarily caters for the data and subsequent integrated reporting (at the speed of business of course) although I gather there are some benchmarks showing some performance increase.  Refactoring RPTIME00 and RPCALCxx for HANA optimisation is something several of my then colleagues and myself asked Waldorf about many moons ago and were told that no refactoring (of either) was planned.  But this does not mean it's not possible.  I've got plenty of ideas on this so perhaps I'm the kind of blue sky thinker to do it for the right organisation.

I think there is a problem of clarity with the roadmap though and this is perhaps something Thomas Otter and Gertrud Beisel might help us further with.  On one side of the coin, we have EC, time off and timesheet and we have the the EC rules engine.  There is a gap between what I and many others know is the kind of functionality and horsepower needed to accommodate complex award interpretation / business requirements and the functionality available in EC today.  Apart from award interpretation complexity, I'm still waiting to hear of how EC time off caters for the need to provide leave liability processing for the ANZ market, let alone how we can leverage EC in an AU-PS environment (parallel deductions anyone?).  Given that public sector is a target marked for SAP in ANZ these are not trivial matters.

I'm not knocking EC.  Far from it, I'd be happy to devote my efforts in filling those functional gaps for a company prepared to pick up my tab.  However, on the other hand we have 'traditional' SAP TM, which provides the horsepower needed but is of course in need of some renovation.

Did I say renovation?  Perhaps I should say renewal.  The team in Palo Alto (and lots of other places I'm sure) have been busy providing the other side of the coin.  SAPUI5/Fiori - timesheets (yes, it's CATS but HR Renewal brings goodies), leave request (which really, really ought to be renamed to highlight that it's perfectly happy supporting attendances too) and in wave 8, Fiori clock corrections - which doesn't take much effort to repurpose as a true software based clock environment, another topic I could speak much more on...

So, what's the roadmap looking like?  Does it really make sense to start over and build time management from the ground up in EC, or given that there could be a convergence of UI functionalities towards UI5 and Fiori in particular would it make more sense to harmonize the UI and concentrate on renewing core TM so that we have the best of both worlds without leaving a void for any damaging length of time?  Customers that invest in offloading TM to a Kronos based solution won't be likely to throw that investment of cost and licence fees away in a hurry.  Not knocking Kronos either, although I'm still baffled that 'integrated' seems to mean file based transfers, use of RPTEXTPT and the PTEX2000/2010 transfer tables in a world where RESTful services and APi's are in vogue.

Are SAP really saying that all the effort on HR renewal and on SAPUI5/Fiori is just a Band-Aid to support on-premise customers until 2025?  Isn't SAPUI5 the go-forward model for S/4HANA?

Shift planning was always the lowlight of SAP TM for it's inscrutability, complexity and non-portal-portability.  Wouldn't it be better to focus EC efforts on building this piece out to complement the existing SAP TM functionality and focus other efforts on integration and leverage of SAP TM components at the frontend?  I'd be no less happy focusing my design and development efforts in these areas but it would be good to have the clarity of the roadmap and it's direction to be sure where best to devote my (and customer) time and money...

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Hi Travis,

Feel free to ping any time.  I wholeheartedly agree with you: "This is on us and our partners at SAP to make sure the customer is winning..."

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@Chris and Travis, maybe we should get together and build out HANA TM :wink:

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Hi Thomas,

Given the parallel development of Fiori/SAPUI5 and EC, I suspect that we could do with some further concrete information on the development paths of both, side by side.  Maybe this is something that could be provided outside of SCN in a more formalized manner?

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Great discussion. Keep it going 🙂

they say a good blog is measured by comments not by number of likes, so I'm happy with this one 🙂

I have to say I am really looking forward to a clean start in time management in EC and curious, what it will provide. For loads of customers, you could achieve what they need with a much easier tool.

But there are those, who need the complexity. It remains to be seen, if and when EC will get there.

Building a time eval on HCP was my first gut reaction, to, but without knowing what the new solution will look like, it's a very risky endavour, which, honestly, I don't have the balls to embark on.

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Travis Burke above makes some good points.  Whilst we could move TE into the cloud, or HANA, it doesn't do a lot of the basic functionality that clients are looking for. We're talking shift planning, roster costing, fatigue management, etc. 

So I presume SAP are looking at the likes of Kronos and saying 'well we can try to build that', or 'lets take the pragmatic approach and get some decent integration happening'.  Why rebuild the wheel? 

TE is great for what it can do, and granted a lot of WFM systems struggle with things like retros (something TE handles no worries), but TE is only one part of what a WFM solution offers.

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Hi (great article by the way), but what about reading in the schedule data? How can part period factoring occur and UK OxP functionality work is work patterns are generate elsewhere? Afterall, Shift Planning is ok but doesn't stack up against best of breed rostering systems. Importing millions of substitution records does seem outdated.

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You'll still need work schedule data for payroll - as you do today, even if you do tine management on a 3rd party.

But you usially don't need the same level of detail for payroll as you would for time eval.

Whether you addign schedules in both systems or one is filled by an interface from the other would be a matter of the particular design choice

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Thanks Sven

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So, SAP is now reselling WorkForce software...

"The deal will see SAP reselling the Time and Attendance, Advanced Scheduler and Absence Compliance Tracker components of WorkForce’s EmpCenter workforce management suite, under the name SAP Time and Attendance Management by WorkForce Software."

So is this the new Time Eval in the cloud?

ChannelLife Australia - SAP signs on as WorkForce Software reseller

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I did say I would comment back here.

Our strategy is two fold.

1. We partner with key WFM vendors. One of whom we now have a solex (solution extension, Workforce Software) with. We will strengthen the integration between the WFM vendors and the various components of SF. the scope of the leading WFM vendors (Kronos, WF etc) is broader and often deeper than either SAP on-prem or what we have in EC today.

2. We will continue to deepen and broaden EC'S native time related capabilities. TIme off has now over 100 customers, and is deployed in many countries. We have strong localization plans, and we have live customers in Australia, processing leave effectively with EC time off. Timesheet shows great promise, and we have begun work on EC time eval. The headcount commitment to the time topic is significant.

EC will not immediately have the capabilites that on-prem time has, nor would I ever want it to.  We are learning from what on-prem time did well, and its challenges. I'm confident that the next generation of time capability will be more successful than its predecessor is and has been. We have surprised many people with how quickly EC grown, and this will be no different. We have the opportunity to exploit all the benefits of HANA, SF technologies too, and we have an awesome team working on this.

The time and payroll teams will work closely together, making sure whatever we do for time is open and easy for all 3rd party payrolls to consume, but that it really makes the ECP rock .

Our WFM partners understand our plans, and will adapt their offerings to work with our emerging functionality. Even in the on-prem world, these solutions are often deployed with SAP HCM time doing some of the processing. It is rare to find a large organization only using on-prem time, especially in retail. I expect it will be no different with EC.

On-prem time does not go away. It continues to be part of the on-premise solution set, with a roadmap.For those customers deploying S/4HANA on-prem, it remains an option going forward too. There are  partners who offer on-prem time in a hosted BPO type model, so if you need on-prem time, you can have it, just not as part of EC.

Once Germany returns from the summer break, I'll ask one of the time product team to comment more fully here.

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Thanks a lot for the clarificatiin, Thomas.

Having had the privilege of discussing the strategy and roadmap with yourself and members of yor team, I'm now really looking forward to the next releases. I think I got the idea now and am convinced that many, if not most, customers using on-prem time management today have a real opportunity for simplification (apologies for using the buzzword, but it does fit here), when they switch to EC timesheet at the appropriate stage.

One amongst several occasions to drive that home, was me considering the European Working Time Directive the other day. The way some customers want this implemented in SAP time management adds an insane chunk of complexity to the solution without really solving the problem (some readers, who's organisation follow a more pragmatic approach, may wonder - but believe me: you can design solutions to not only spend days configuring them, but also drive your users crazy).

Applying some common sense and using a solution that doesn't tolerate an infinite level of complexity, but makes it easier for line managers to take control, would make more sense imo for many of those customers. Here my musings on this topic:  http://ow.ly/R6DOO

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Good to hear that you like our approach, Sven.

To sum up our strategy:

Does EC want to build a new RPTIME? No. We are not going to rebuild a -admitted- highly flexible but for a cloud solution unbearable complex time evaluation machine that nearly can do anything you want it to do with personell rules and schemas but with outdated technology and UIs. It simply does not work in the cloud. Customers want thrilling Uis and modern technology like online time evaluation. Users want to see if they run into overtime upon time recording and not receiving a notification the next day when time evaluation has been run in job. And customers don´t expect lengthy implementation times and lots of consulting. But for this they must rethink. They cannot expect that the legacy system functionality is copied 1:1 into the cloud. Yes, it is a buzzword but it nails it down: customers who want a cloud time application must indeed simplify. If they cannot ease processes or got very complicated regulations then there is still the option as Thomas pointed out to use Kronos or Workforce as partners or stay on onprem time (when it is not in the EC Payroll where time evaluation usage is not allowed).

Does this mean EC Time is only going to be a better excel?

By no means. We got already a powerful and flexible overtime calculation and pay type generation engine in the time sheet (yes, you can call it time evaluation) as you can see here:

Successfactors EC Time Sheet and Time Off - new features

and EC Time will grow in its functionality, from each 3month release to each 3month release. We will cover core HR processes in a flexible and easy configurable way, in new modern UIs and technology. And since we integrate with our paytypes into the Infotype 2010 that hasn´t got any clocktimes, but only duration, EC Time must perform even more tasks than the onprem time evaluation. For example doing the difficult splits in pay type generation to cover tax freedom for German Sunday, Public holiday and Nightpremiums. A taks that has previously been done by the payroll engine based on the clock times it got from the on prem time eval wage types.

So, we achieved already a lot in EC Time but there is also still lots to do. Good thing in the cloud: you will see the progress in each 3 months 😉

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I'm sure it has been mentioned, but perhaps worth reiterating. Here in Australia I know of customers that use Kronos with their SAP solutions, but still end up using SAP time evaluation to calculate amounts (especially accruals). Why, because they are just so stupidly complex.

I think I understand why it is said

"Customers want thrilling UIs and modern technology like online time evaluation. Users want to see if they run into overtime upon time recording and not receiving a notification the next day when time evaluation has been run in job."


"EC will not immediately have the capabilities that on-prem time has, nor would I ever want it to"

But, I also see customers who dismay at having functionality "taken away". Whilst, as Thomas pointed out, onPrem S/4HANA will still allow traditional time eval, cloud based S/4HANA will not.

I'm pretty sure that the businesses with the complex calculation would like not to have to use them, however, reality is, especially in the heavily unionized workforces, that it is not possible to change the pay and conditions of their staff that drastically (not without paying a much greater wage bill, which especially for public sector, is not an option.)

It's unfortunate that EC time sheeting doesn't allow the entry of start and end hours. But I understand that's Cloud, you design for the masses (Minimum Viable Product) and then improve, and the others have to buy an alternative solution, wait, or figure out how to adapt. However, when the work contract has different allowances for working from 6pm to 10pm and 10pm to midnight, It's kinda important to know those hours.

Perhaps that is coming, (I'm hopeful given talk of "Nightpremiums") I'll keep my fingers crossed.

I think it is possible to meet the level of complexity of result of SAP's time eval (and yes you will need to have some damn complex config to do it - perhaps there is even space here to bring in specific SAP HCP extension points for the really stupid complex cases, don't build a system that can be configured for every possibility like onPrem time eval, but allow customers the option to solve that problem with HCP if they want to. I agree, calculation needs to be real time, not batch. But, just because it's cloud doesn't mean it can't solve complex problems.

I have a personal view (that I've shared before) that SAP payroll is due a re-write to work in a real time manner - it isn't being done (to the best of my knowledge) because it would be damn hard and cost too much. Re-writing time eval, however, such that it is real time, and lives in EC is something that I think should and is being done. Shame is that those that need the extra details won't be able to benefit from the "standard" solution for some time. But that's MVP and iterate :grin: .

I hope we iterate fast - would be great to see the road map for those iterations...



Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Hi Chris,

I just pick up this:

It's unfortunate that EC time sheeting doesn't allow the entry of start and end hours.

This is what we are right now working on. Including automated break deduction and wage type generation based on clock times. So participate in the regular One Voice calls where the new features of each release gets announced. :wink:



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Are SAP really saying that all the effort on HR renewal and on SAPUI5/Fiori is just a Band-Aid to support on-premise customers until 2025?  Isn't SAPUI5 the go-forward model for S/4HANA?

I doubt anyone from SAP would say that :wink: .

But major investment is in SuccessFactors not on Prem. S/4HANA 's cloud HR solution is SuccessFactors - it does not have an alternate HCM model. So there won't be a build out of Fiori tools to enable on prem time mgmt config - it just ain't gonna happen!

Rostering is a hard problem to design for well. I see some really cool opportunities in this space. Actually, all I see here are opportunities! I just hope we can grab them!

0 Kudos

Awesome news!

This is what we are right now working on. Including automated break deduction and wage type generation based on clock times.

I'm sure that some of this stuff would have been covered in the road-map sessions at SuccessConnect. Unfortunately, wasn't there this year. But really happy to hear that particular issue may be solved!

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Hi Chris,

I think it's very early days for time sheet. Few would be able to switch right now from PT. But if you'd like to bet against EC time sheet allowing actual times rather than just hours by next summer, I'd hold against that with any amount. (To be fair: it should be mentioned I was in Walldorf last week.)

Give it a year or so to see what level of complexity will be covered.

If the gap's still large enough, get busy on HCP for partners 🙂

At some point, maybe 16_05 or 08, when we see more, I'd love to sit down with a low-ish complexity PT customer and build a proof of concept in EC in our demo instance...  Probably in my Summer holiday 🙂

But yes: nobody is saying EC TS will be doing everything PT did and sure some customers will be not amused. Not even trying to judge that.



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Great thread, happy to log on to 15 messages about time and workforce management!

A key consideration in all of this is the package we have worked with SAP on as part of the go to market for our new solution extension partnership - part of the strategy here is to do much more than time management with our solution, and offer Shift Planning/Rostering, Time and Attendance and Absence Compliance all within one package for SAP customers. This is really the core strength of WorkForce Software - handling complexity across the full workforce management domain, not just time management.

This allows the customer to have two really good viable options in the cloud from SAP going forward - our 3rd party solution, which we are working very closely with SAP (as Thomas mentioned) on tighter integration, leveraging HCI, as well as other UX aspects of using a 3rd party system, as well as the EC TS for customers that fit that solution.

Sven (and others) - there are some great partner enablement sessions up coming for SAP partners and consultants, send me a note if you want more details.

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Now rostering - there's something we can agree is a real need! Any chance you'll bring skill based rostering (i.e. who's got the skills to do this position in the shift) into the picture - that would be something that would be very cool!

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Pharmaceutical and medical industry in particular would love that. Not so much by skill but by formal qualification, as they are constantly under pressure by the auditors like the FDA to prove that only people with an up-to-date certificate are allowed on the job

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Indeed we did include skill-based rostering in the package a prospect can buy from SAP.

Our Advanced Scheduler product is designed for skill and certification-constraint scheduling, as well as other typical scenarios like taking time off and availability into account. Customers can also 'auto-schedule' which takes all of those criteria into account to generate the best schedule for their location, and helps them fill gaps based on rule sets they define.

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Here is a new article that was spawned from this blog with some additional insights. 


Great job Sven shining public light on this topic and opening it up for more in-depth discussions.

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Ohhh Sven can get a fire lit under some folks when need be! hahaha :lol:

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Hm. My self perception so far was that of a harmless small town boy...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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RPTIME is back in scope

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Certainly is in WA Brad, on HANA, in parallel with EC, but that's a different story.

As for your update - what's your source and the details?  AFAIK the push is on for WFS to be a focus area and partner...

Product and Topic Expert
Product and Topic Expert
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Product Management released this information 13 days ago. And then 9 days ago released the below link is a power point slide from Stefan Rueter explaining the lowering of restrictions so that current gaps in country specific legislative differences can be met.




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Hi Brad,

you need to be careful here. it will be very narrow constraints, where it's needed to feed EC Payroll with legally required input. E.g. some quota generations for Australia.

EC is still the go forward and Rptime bridging (temporary) gaps. E.g. rptime isn't receiving clock times from EC.

Don't base your strategy on comprehensive rptime use. Speak to SAP, if you think you need it.



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You all know we have set tight restrictions with respect to usage of SAP ERP Time functionality in the context of Employee Central Payroll. There have been multiple reasons for our position: Employee Central Payroll must not be considered a backdoor for free hosting of on premise functionality. Our vision for Employee Central Payroll is a lean cloud payroll system that works with the best-of-breed cloud T&A system, be it EC Time or 3rd party solution such as WorkForce Software. This general positioning of Employee Central Payroll has not changed. We do not intend to “open up” SAP ERP Time in general, we continue to enforce restrictions. Managing leave, approving time (off) is still going to happen in EC (or 3rd party) not in Employee Central Payroll. Our target solution still makes EC Time (or the 3rd party) the leading system of record, including time evaluation and main country specifics. Employee Central Payroll implementation teams must not just implement SAP ERP Time because this is the time solution they are most familiar with. Having said this, we realize that the tight restrictions we have communicated lead to some confusion. We also see that some countries have very complex localization requirements that are not yet covered in EC Time. We have therefore refined the Time - Employee Central Payroll integration scope and lowered some restrictions in order to bridge current gaps. So what does it mean? In short, we came up some guiding principles for using (SAP ERP) Time in the Employee Central Payroll. First of all, we expect all Employee Central Payroll customers use a leading Time Management system, be it EC Time or a 3rd party system to cover processes such as absence management and time recording. With this the following restrictions will be kept and enforced - there are no time-related self-services, workflows or approvals in scope of Employee Central Payroll. Access & maintenance of payroll / time Infotypes in Employee Central Payroll is allowed for HR Administrators only. As a result, all integration scenarios (EC or 3rd party Time) can leverage standard and custom build interfaces for integrating with Employee Central Payroll. Supported out of the box are for example absences IT 2001, and remuneration info IT 2010. On top of this, there is the option for custom-build integrations to support further country specific processing. If needed, customers may decide to use additional payroll / time-related Infotypes (e.g. substitutions IT2003, absence quotas IT2006, or special absences like IT0424 for maternity leave in France…) as well as RPTIME. How they are fed in the future ranges from standard to project solutions. We plan to provide best practices for country-specific, complex processes, and will further investigate how to selectively enhance the integration - so please check our roadmap slides for upcoming changes.

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