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Database recovery

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Hi , while hana database restore in hana studio , how to choose between restore the system db and restore the tenant DB , What is the significance of both? Please consider i am new to SAP.




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your dev and prod envirnemts are same BO version?

I have tested with BI 4.1 SP08 and dataprovider() function gives the data-providername and universe name.

If this is urgent then you can use below formula to exlude universe name from this.same time you can rasie the support ticket to get the anwer.

=Substr(DataProvider([Your objec]);1;Pos(DataProvider([Your object]);"-")-2)

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Awesome Amit and it really worked for me in prod.

But amit ,my query is with out this type of formula ,we got the actual result

i.e., (Name of dataprovider

Article Reserves ) in both Dev and QA.

For your query , I have checked the BO Versions and those are as shown below .

1. webi version

non prod-4.1 sp 6 patch1

prod 4.1 sp 2

2.BI launch pad

non prod and

prod - 4.1 sp6 patch1

Kindly let me know , Is there any problem with BO version Specific ?

Amit, Currently I'm working in a support project as a BO Admin and got this ticket from developer .

Is this a platform related ticket or a developer related in support project ?

Please do the needful asap.

Active Contributor

Better to raise SAP support on this. According to webi functions guide help it should display Data Provider name only but this is showing universe name also.

This is might be webi product issue.

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When I try to open the report in BI LaunchPad on the systems (Dev, QA ) and dragging the variable 'Name of dataprovider' into the report panel , it is showing as dataprovider name only.

But When I try to open the report in BI LaunchPad on the systems ( Prod ) and dragging the variable 'Name of dataprovider' into the report panel , it is showing as dataprovider name along with universe name.

My query is BO Version BI LaunchPad 4.1 SP 6 Patch1 for both Non prod and prod systems.

In this case , Do we think this issue as a webI product issue ?

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open the variable in Dev & QA and check if static dataprovider name is mentioned there or dataprovider function is used?

Also try to create another variable with dataprovider function and see what is coming?

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They had used dataprovider function only in all the systems as below

Dataprovider([Articles réservés].[Work Order])