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Database error 591: : connection is poisoned due to transaction errors

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When I try to undeploy a calculation view in WEB IDE HANA service, I get following error:

Warning: Database error 591: : connection is poisoned due to transaction errors; statement was rejected (6845) [8201003]
at "src/Calculation Views/********" (0:0).

Recently I rename the folder name from "Calculation View" to "CV" and all Hana views under the folder "Calculation View" are still residing somewhere. I am not able to undeploy them.

Can someone please help .

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There are serval reason for this issue 
1.This Issue is because the synonyms are not build Properly,Firstly Build all.hdbsynonymconfig fiel and later build all.hdbsynoynm and final build the db file.This might help to solve the issue
2.Sometimes it might be a internal issue refresh your WebIDE and Try it after sometime,Even this might help you to solve the Issue.

Thank you